Monday, May 9, 2016

What Happens if I Submit False Information In My Background Investigation

All individuals are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide and submit for their background investigation.

However, there is a big difference between estimating facts you provide, and making the choice to fabricate information.

What's the difference?
Estimating dates isn't held against you; while fabricating information is, and can lead to being Debarred from all 
Federal-Wide Employment from; 12 months to Indefinitely.

All information submitted gets checked and verified.
When the background investigation identifies discrepancies, you'll be required to provide more than just your word of what you claimed.  You'll be given the opportunity to address and resolve every discrepancy by a provided date.  And the easiest way to resolve a discrepancy is by providing hard copy proof of everything you claim.

Higher Education
An official transcript or letter from the school shall suffice.
Either document from the school shall show your dates of attendance, the program you are in, or were enrolled in, and on what date your certificate, degree, or license was awarded or earned.

Where can a person verify higher education?
National Student Clearinghouse

School's Registrar Office

Military Service
Anyone who serves 24 or more months in the U.S. Military is classified as a Veteran, and all Veterans are issues a document called the DD-214.  This is a record of your military service.  It shows if you are or were Enlisted or an Officer, and the status of your discharge.

Where can a person verify military service?

A former Employer can verify all former periods of employment.

But what if my Supervisor changed or is no longer at my current or former place of Employment?Always list who your Supervisor was at the time, as well as provide their best known contact information.

Ultimately, all individuals have to account for dates where they sleep each night, work, seek education, and travel to locations outside the Continental United States during set periods of time; and everything you submit shall get checked and verified.

You can and should estimate dates when its not possible to remember actual dates; however, fabricating information is never advised.

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